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African lions in grass — Kruger National Park — South Africa (Kruger NP 2014 gallery)

African Lion (family Felidae; Genus Panthera Leo):- Sub-Saharan Africa; very social compared to other cats and often found in prides. Females do much of the hunting usually in teams. Read More

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Brown Bears taking a nap after salmon fest — Katmai National Park and Preserve — Alaska, USA (Katmai NP and Preserve gallery)

Brown Bears: (Usidae: Ursus arctos — brown bears) the “horribalis” subspecies is the grizzly but Katmai bears are brown bears — coastal living and  feeding mostly off salmon.  Read More

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Osprey on takeoff with fish — Cairngorm National Park — Scotland, UK (Inverness and Surrounds gallery)

Osprey: (family Pandionidae; genus -> species Pandion haliaetus) Also known as “sea hawk”, “river hawk” “fish hawk”. There are four subspecies but broadly divided into western and eastern osprey. Read More

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Red Squirrel jumping near Aviemore — Cairngorm National Park — Scotland, UK  (Inverness and Surrounds gallery)

Red Squirrel: (family Sciuridae; genus Sciurus vulgaris) Red squirrels shed their coats twice a year. Read More

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Red Squirrel with nut — Cairngorm National Park — Scotland, UK (Inverness and Surrounds gallery)

Red Squirrel: (family Sciuridae; genus Sciurus vulgaris) Red squirrels shed their coats twice a year. Large ear tufts are seen between August and November. Read More

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African Lion at Domkrag Dam Lookout  — Addo Elephant National Park — South Africa (Addo NP gallery)

African Lion (family Felidae; genus Panthera Leo):- Sub-Saharan Africa; very social compared to other cats and are found in prides. Read More

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Bruchelle’s zebras on mount at Nshawudam — Kruger National Park — South Africa (Kruger NP 2016 gallery)

Burchell’s zebra: (quagga burchellii): The Burchell’s zebra is named after the British explorer and naturalist, William John Burchell. Read More

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White-backed vulture approaching landing — Kruger National Park — South Africa (Kruger NP 2015 gallery)

White-backed vulture (family Accipitridae; Genus Gyps africanus);- is an Old World vulture and sometimes called Read More

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Cheetah in long grass — Kruger National Park — South Africa (Kruger NP 2015 gallery)

South African Cheetah (family Felidae; Genus Acinonyx jabatus jabatus):- They are found predominantly in South Africa, Namibia broadly, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mozambique. Read More

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Goliath heron patiently waiting… — Kruger National Park — South Africa (Kruger NP 2016 gallery)

Goliath heron or Giant heron (family Ardeidae ; Genus Ardea goliath);- the largest species of heron and may be up to 158 cm tall with a wing span of 2 metres. Read More

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African leopard with menacing look draging kill — Kruger National Park — South Africa (Kruger NP 2015 gallery)

African Leopard  (family Felidae; Genus Panthera Pardus):- Most Southern Africa leopards are nocturnal in their hunting habits but in protected wildlife areas they tend to hunt at dawn and dusk as well. Read More