

This website (and fine art prints), which originates from the desire to share some of my experiences on visiting wildlife/nature parks (and other travels), is essentially for your online viewing pleasure. Friends, colleagues, and family have expressed a sincere interest in my photography and have been a strong drive behind making the photographs more public.

Most photographs currently on the site are from the Kruger National Park in South Africa but this is likely to change over time. I have a deep bred love for wildlife national parks (especially the KNP) which was cultivated during my early preschool years when I traveled with my grandfather in Southern Africa.

Canon full frame professional cameras (R3, 1DX Mark II, 5D Mark III and IV) with L-series lenses (ranging from 16mm to 800mm) have lately been used to take the photos. Some older photos have been digitised from slides or analog negatives (will be notes in the titles/captions).

Compact digital cameras (Canon, Sony, Nikon), as well as an older 35mm camera (Canon A1) and analog compact cameras have also been used in the past. For web publishing, photos have been adjusted (to lower resolution) mostly to 1170px longest axis and 72dpi as well as a temporary watermark to counteract theft.

Future plans include small video clips and older photographs of early years (early twentieth century) of travel and park visits in Southern Africa.

This is essentially a hobby, but high quality full frame digital photos can be made available for printing and others on a case-by-case basis. It has been my pleasure over time to help folks find a suitable photo (sometimes not on the website but in my inventory to then appropriately to composure and size to fulfill their needs. This might be for their (or as a gift) living room, office, or whatever other purpose they had envisaged.