Visitor Comments

Comments are publicised here (if a visitor gives permission) and are mainly there for recognition and to assist other visitors.


Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Date: 18/8/2020

Being South African and enjoying our wildlife often, but WoW!! The Scotland UK Photographs are so beautiful. I at first didn’t see the descriptions of each photo and didn’t see the seal basking on the rocks the first glance, then I saw the description above and saw the bird wasn’t thee attraction, but the seal. He is massive. ?
The photos are so sharp. I love how the gannets blue eye is so perfect and striking. All creatures fascinate me, but I love bird photography especially.
Looking forward to the “coming soon” photos.
Very professional and easy to navigate website. I’m impressed. ❤️”


Location: Perth, Australia

Date: 15/6/2017

Love the photos they are amazing, makes me want to go to S.A. and see the wildlife. Nothing like it.