I am a medical practitioner who has been fortunate to travel to and work in a few countries. I’ve always tried to visit wildlife and nature parks on these visits to enjoy the outdoors. Since qualifying in 1981 I’ve been keen to work and live in different environments. I’ve really enjoyed the more rural environments. Having qualified in South Africa and having done an emergency medicine and anaesthetic qualification as well as an MBA I felt that I could venture to other countries. Working in rural Canada (Prince Rupert and Peace River area) was a great pleasure and I really enjoyed the fishing. Furthermore I worked in Houston Texas but South Africa has still been home. But, the UK has been my “home away from home” and I’ve based myself here working as a locum anaesthetic consultant for the last 10 years. Frequently venturing into rural Scotland for walks, mountain bike rides and some fishing. The camera has never been far away during these ventures and compact cameras and more lately the smartphone have been very handy over the years to capture moments.
I currently live in Glasgow but travel to Africa at least once a year to visit family and visit nature parks and family and friends within a 150 mile radius from Cape Town.

Always Thinking About The Opportunity -- Skukuza Rest Camp with Elephants in the background
Looking for the opportunity makes one appreciate the environment and be sensitive to changes

SAVE Annual Fundraising at the Corinthian in Glasgow -- framed photographs were auctioned

Cycling in the hills beyond Aberfoyle -- Trossachs National Park -- Scotland
This photo of my parents on holiday at Pine Lake Marina on the shores of Swartvlei near Sedgefield leads to a gallery with mainly family photos which have been taken over more than a century.
There will be photos in this gallery/album that have been taken by my parents, their parents and further back as well as by other family members and friends. Please help identify the people and the occasions. I will make notes for all to read on the occasions and the people as the information reaches me. If anyone has a problem with the images being on the internet or on the album please let me know so that I can deal with it.
For the photos I'll be looking for A) the approximate year; B) The people appearing in it from left to right starting with the top row and working to the front a row at a time; C) the location and memorable occasion. PLEASE. I will correct the titles as the information comes in.
Many thanks for everyone's participation.
"When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence."
"There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are."
"Black and white are the colors of photography. They symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is subjected."